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Recent Software Activity


The Recent Software Activity widget sheds light on the latest updates that have taken place in various applications installed in the Crystal Eye XDR on-premise. The widget also shows the date and time the update was initiated. Apart from the software update details the widget also provides more profound insights of the list of applications that were installed.

How to know the date and time a Crystal Eye XDR on-premise application was updated?

The Recent Software Activity widget has convenient features that detects the date and time on which a Crystal Eye XDR on-premise application was updated through Red Piranha’s service delivery network (SDN). If the Status column shows ‘Updated’ that means the application was updated recently and the date and time is shown in the Time column next to it. The highlighted portion of the screenshot below shows the time and date on which the CE application was updated.



Look out for the ‘Updated’ status message to know the recent updates as shown in the screenshot above.

How to know when was a particular application last installed in the Crystal Eye XDR on-premise?

The Recent Software Activity widget displays the date and time of all recent CE XDR on-premise application installs. Any recent install will have ‘Installed’ mentioned under the Status column. The highlighted portion of the screenshot below shows the time and date on which the application was installed.



Look out for the ‘Installed’ status message to know the recent installs of Crystal Eye XDR on-premise applications in the screenshot above.