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Device Overview in the Crystal Eye XDR Network


The device overview section provides a snapshot of the total number of devices connected to the network, total number of devices that are mapped with the CE XDR, total number of devices unmapped, and the total number of devices connected with the organisational network with SSL VPN.

Total number of devices connected to the network

View the total number of devices connected to the Crystal Eye XDR network.


Total number of devices that are mapped with the CE XDR

These are the devices which have a device type assigned to it. Learn more about mapping CE XDR devices here.


Total number of devices unmapped

This metric shows the total number of devices that are connected to the CE XDR network and are unmapped. Please note that, by default all devices connected to the CE XDR fall under the unmapped category.


Total number of devices connected with the organisational network with SSL VPN

This metric shows the total number of devices connected to the organisational network with the help of CE XDRs SSL VPN end-point application. Know how to deploy SSL VPN for users here
